When renting a private boat for the day to tour the 27 Rosario islands you are assured of 2 things: you will want some ice-cold drinks and you will see some fantastic beaches! Not every island has a beach or is even accessible. Some are only a 50 ft long but are still a beautiful sight and great for meandering through on your cruise.
Here are a few of our favorite beaches to visit.
Isla Arena – Bendita Beach
Nestled in the corner of the islands is the tiny and beautiful Isla Arena. Surrounded by that cliché turquoise water you see on a Caribbean postcard, this stunning piece of land is a favourite stop for the tour. The soft, clean sandy beach is stunning and when it gets too hot head under the canopy of tropical trees. Here you will find a plethora of hammocks and day beds strewn around a delicious restaurant run by a local fisherman family; literally the freshest seafood possible.
Playa Blanca
The big and beautiful Playa Blanca has star status and for good reason; its 3km stretch of white sand and crystal-clear water are backed by a wide range of bars, restaurants and beach huts for rent. A very popular choice that can get quite busy in high seasons, but a must see on your island tour.
Agua Azul
You’ll struggle to find whiter sand and bluer water than the stunning “Playa Agua Azul” (Blue water beach). Often a last stop on the way back to Cartagena, this beach is amazing place to wind down the day’s activity. Your boat will pull right up onto the sand where you can listen to your powerful onboard sound system and have easy access to your drinks cooler. Also a great place to get lunch with local chef cooking up a storm with seafood BBQs right on the beach.